Engineering Education Through Evidenced Based Teaching and Project Driven Learning

Can you imagine not playing the violin until your fourth year of study? Violinists start making sounds with their instrument the first day of lessons.

-- Richard Miller, President, Olin College

Jason K. Moore
June 2, 2015



  • BSc '04 Mechanical Engineering Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA
  • MSc '07, PhD '12 Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, UC Davis, CA
  • Fulbright '08 TU Delft, Netherlands
  • Co-founded and ran educational non-profit, Davis Bike Collective, 2005-2013
  • Postdoctoral research in powered exoskeleton control Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH

My Teaching Philosophy

  1. Let the evidence choose the instruction method
  2. Increase the desire to learn by leading with realistic problems
  3. Assess as much and as often as possible
  4. Teams are good for students and teachers
  5. Never stop learning to teach
  6. Diversity is crucial
  7. Each student is an individual
  8. Teaching materials need not be redundant

1. Evidence Based Teaching Methods

  • Let sound educational research drive our teaching methodologies.
  • Stay abreast on education research developments
  • Build a relationship with the UC Davis School of Education

Practical Evidence Based Methods

  • Modular 15 minute lessons
  • Lecture = lessons separated by short student activity
  • Collect feedback multiple times during lecture
  • Share rubrics with the students
  • Students complete exam assessments
  • Hands-off teaching, students must go through the actions

2. Increase the desire to learn by leading with realistic problems

  • Real multidisciplinary problems from day one (don't wait till senior design)
  • Connect with entrepreneurs (biz students) early on
  • Structure curriculum design around engineering problems instead of engineering subjects
  • Bring student extracurricular projects into the classroom

Example: TU Delft Freshman Course

  • All freshman enrolled in a intro to engineering course
  • Each year the course is designed around some problem to solve:
    • Spiderman machine
    • Rowing vehicle
  • Essentially senior design during freshman year
  • Competition among teams
  • The instructors introduce necessary engineering concepts along the way

3. Assess as much and often as possible

Feedback is critical for:

  • Effective teaching practice and improvement
  • Curriculum design decisions

We need to:

  • Clearly define curriculum and teaching goals
  • Collect regular feedback to assess the goals
  • Institute department and college wide feedback mechanisms

Assessment for Curriculum Design

  • Curriculum should constantly evolve
  • Create 5, 10, and 20 year plans
  • Encourage experimental courses with ample assessment
  • Base curriculum design decisions on data: strong cases for accreditation

Teaching Example: Sticky Notes

  • Each student takes 2 different color sticky notes at the beginning of class
  • Green = good, Red = not good
  • Allows for quick assessment of how many students are done at a problem, who needs help, etc.
  • At each break, students are asked to write one positive thing on the green note and one negative on the red note.
  • It only takes 5 minutes to go through 50 notes quickly and see how well you are doing.

4. Teams are good for students and teachers


  • A strong early emphasis on team work will better prepare our students for their jobs
  • With good contribution tracking, individual assessment can be garnered even in team projects


  • Team teaching!
  • Course and curriculum design should be collaborative

Example: Software Carpentry

  • 2 day workshops to train scientists and engineers about 4 topics:
    • automation, reusable code, structured data, version control
  • At least 2 instructors per course
  • One instructor "drives" while the other roams the room
  • Instructors switch driver and helper roles
  • This allows for very active learning, where students are doing during the lectures

5. Never stop learning to teach

  • There is no summit to teaching, mastery is a moving target
  • Being an excellent teacher requires continual practice and feedback

Plans for personal growth

  • Utilize student feedback and peer teaching evals
  • Participate in teaching conferences (ASEE, EDUCON, WEEF, etc)
  • Read relevant education research
  • Work with the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
  • Foster collaborations with UCD's IAMSTEM Hub

Plans to help others grow

  • Develop our TA training programs with TAs
  • Support the TA Consultant Program
  • Be available for faculty teaching reviews
  • Pursue educational grants for experimental teaching (e.g. NSF DUE)

6. Diversity is crucial

<img src="highlight-me.png" width=600px> Source: ASEE

What to do about it

  • Make a conscious plan to increase the number of minorities in our program
  • Classroom ground rules that ensure minorities voices
  • Create welcoming environment
  • Ally with student group and a campus leaders from various minority groups
  • Provide anonymous feedback avenues for students

7. Each student is an individual

  • Each student has a different motivation for learning
  • Each student learns best in different ways
  • There is no catch-all magic bullet in teaching
  • Each course has to be adpated to the makeup of individual students

8. Teaching materials need not be redundant

  • Bring open source software development methods to teaching material development
  • Development of shared materials
  • Interactive "text book" development

Example: Software Carpentry

  • Modular lecture materials
  • Contributions from hundreds of authors
  • Massive scale collaboration
  • Example course materials:
  • Example tutorial materials:

Undergradute Courses I am Well Equipped to Teach

Mechanical Design And Manufacturing

ENG 4, ENG 35, ENG 45, EME 50, ENG 104, ENG 104L, EME 107B, EME 150A/B, EME 151, EME 185A/B

Dynamics and Control

ENG 102, ENG 122, EME 121, EME 134, EME 152, EME 154, EME 171, EME 172, EAE 129/MAE 129

Scientific and Engineering Computation

ENG 6, ENG 7, EME 5, ENG 180, EME 115

Courses I'd like to introduce

  • Collaborative Multidisciplinary Freshman Design
  • System and Parameter Identification of Linear and Non-linear systems
  • Numerical Optimization for Engineers
  • Modern Collaborative Software Development for Engineers (web apps, phone apps, GUIs)
  • Data science and machine learning for mechanical engineers
  • Order(n) Multibody Dynamics Algorithms

Mechanical Design Experience

  • NASA spec wind tunnel balance and experimental apparatus design
  • Compressor component design
  • Biomedical experimental apparatus
  • Vehicle experimental apparatus
  • Race cars, off-road vehicles, bicycles
  • Maglev train design
  • Appropriate tech for the developing world: wheelchairs and ambulances