Robot bicycle description ## Sensors * Optical encoders measure steer angle, steer angle rate, wheel angles and rates * Three axis angular rate gyroscope and three axis accelerometer fixed to rear frame measure body fixed angular velocity of rear frame and acceleration of a single point fixed to frame. ## Actuators * Rear hub motor to control speed * Steer motor to control balance and heading ## Feedback control: * Sample and control loop running at 200 Hz * Motor torque controlled via PWM * PID speed control * LQR/LQG yaw rate controller * Sensor fusion, data logging, and control law implemented in C/C++ on an ARM Cortex-M4 MCU running at 168 MHz * Sensor data logging to microSD * Real time telecommand via XBee 2.4GHz radio ## System identification experiments: * Straight line running, vary v in [0.5, 7.0] m/s, input sinusoidal steer torque disturbance with frequency in [.1, 10] Hz. Measure response, apply system identification techniques to identify transfer functions from steer torque to steer, steer rate, lean, and lean rate. * Collect data over a family of steady turns, varying lean, steer, and speed. Compare estimated applied steer torque to that predicted by Whipple model.