Lecture Homework 5 ENG 4 Fall 2012
Due November 13 at beginning of lecture.
Grading: 10 points total
Mutliviews (5 points)
For the following isometric projections, draw a multiview projection on rectangular grid paper. Include a minimal set of dimensions to fully dimension (constrain) the object. Assume that each grid square is 1 centimeter.
Figure 5.122 (64)
Figure 5.122 (81)
Figure 5.122 (84)
Match views (2 points)
Match the various axonometric views with the target shapes.
Figure 5.159
Dimensioning (3 points)
Redraw and dimension the multiview projection with a minimal set of dimensions to fully dimension the object and sketch an isometric view of the object. Assume each grid square is 0.5 inches.
Figure 7.60 (46)