- wo 01 juli 2015
- notebook
- Jason K. Moore
- #notebook, #aio
AIO for July 1, 2015
Last week's accomplishments
- [2 hr, Done] Change the notebook to use the System class so we can rerun simulations.
- [2 hr, Done] Close remaining issues in the tutorial
- [1 hr, Done] Update tutorial to work with Python 3
- [1 hr, Done] Confer with Jim
- [1 hr, Done] Send in stuff to SciPy.
- [8 hr, Done 12 hr] Finish the analytic cost function implementation.
- [2 hr, Done 3.9 hr] Update the examples to use the analytic cost function.
- [2 hr, Done 0.5 hr] Draft outline of the slides.
- [1 hr, Done 1.4 hr] Send outline to Ton with questions about what needs to be in the talk.
- [6 hr, Done 5.1 hr] Get presentation draft done and send to Ton.
Bicycle Research
- [1 hr, Done 0.6 hr] Reply to Neils Lommers about bicycle data collection.
Extra Accomplishments
No extras
Missed goals from last week
EPak AIP Project
- [2 hr] Fix some small issues.
- [6 hr] Work on one of the main tasks.
- [1 hr] Find a car control problem suitable for a notebook.
- [0.5 hr] Send in bill for first notebook.
- [2 hr] Draft up Bode and root locus plot functions.
- [2 hr] Clean up the repo to make it closer to release quality.
- [2 hr] Review Ton's proof that the ID works.
Last week's issues
Not working enough hours...
This week's objectives
- [8 hr] Make the presentation (expand the TGCS one) [pres is on Wed July 8]
- [1 hr] Pack some stuff
- [2 hr] Hangout with Jim to discuss the tutorial
- [1 hr] Review the tutorial material
- [5 hr] Finish up the presentation and send to Ton
- [5 hr] Finalize the presentation with Ton's feedback
- [9 hr] Prepare trajectory optimization demo: double pendulum swing up
- [8 hr] Prepare parameter identification demo: bicycle?
- [3 hr] Try out some SymPy stuff to compute the correct gradients of the objective.
UCD Lecture Job
- [1 hr] Prepare questions for chair.
- [2 hr] Meet with Chair.
- [2 hr] Meet with Sahil and Tarun
- [0.5 hr] Fill out midterm eval for Sahil