- ma 27 april 2015
- notebook
- Jason K. Moore
- #notebook, #aio
AIO for April 27, 2015
This is for the last two weeks since I skipped last week's AIO.
Last week's accomplishments
Gait Control Direct ID Paper
- [3 hr, Done] Regenerate all of the identification results for artificial data.
- [3 hr, Done 3.2 hr] Get all notebooks working with new code.
- [5 hr, Done 4.1 hr] Generate the results plots.
- [5.1 hr] Worked on intro and results writing.
Biosport Lab
- [5 hr, Done 6.6 hr] Get website back online.
Ag Shiny App
- [2 hr, Done 1 hr] Meet with Lauren.
- Decide on summer conferences: ISCSB or SciPy?
Done we got selected for a SciPy tutorial and I'll go to that conference. I will prepare a talk for Ton to give for ISCSB.
Perturbed Data Paper
- [Done 3.9 hr] Reviewed the proof.
- [Done 0.3 hr] Worked on timestamp issues.
Software Development
- [Done 2.6 hr] SymPy: Submitted PR for lambdify numexpr bug.
- [Done 0.4 hr] PyDy: Reviewed PR.
Job Search
- [Done 2.2 hr] UCD Lecturer interview and follow up.
Bicycle ID Paper
- [Done 1.4 hr] Started working on bicycle identification with direct collocation.
Human Motion and Control Lab
- [Done 1.1 hr] Reviewed contract.
EPak AIP Project
- [Done 2.2 hr] Developed contract.
Missed goals from last week
- [0.5 hr] Post blog post on SciPy submissions.
- [1 hr] Post blog post on fast interpolation.
Last week's issues
Gait Control Direct ID Paper
I don't have a robust way to compute all of the artificial data results because of a small bug related to how I maximize the number of samples for a single gait cycle.
This week's objectives
Gait Control Direct ID Paper
- [5 hr] Finish all plots for each of the results sections.
- [5 hr] Flesh out all of the first draft text.
- [2 hr] Writeup the concerns as issues on github and ask Ton for feedback.
EPak AIP Project
- [1.5 hr] Review the contract and sign up.
- [2 hr] Help initiate Sahil's work. Get the lead mentor setup and whatever info is needed.
- [1 hr] Review Tarun's fix to the visualizer.
- [1 hr] Prepare some goals for the SciPy tutorial.
Human Motion and Control Lab
- [1.0 hr] Email Ton to get the contract finished up.
- [2 hr] Submit class outlines to Eric.
Job Search
- [5 hr] Apply for BIDS post doc.
Attention + Control Project
- [4 hr] Draft more on the grant.
- [1 hr] Figure out if I will actually be guaranteed a position.
- [0.5 hr] Write out a plan of action to Zhoadan in an email.