Notebook Entry

AIO for March 2, 2015

Last week's accomplishments

Yeadon Paper

Perturbed Data Paper

  • [15 min, Done 20 min] Respond to PeerJ about my concerns with the reviewers.

Job Search

  • [5 hr, Done 3.4 hr] Finish teaching statement draft and ask for reviews from Rebecca, Sarah, and Cass.
  • [1 hr, Done 1.5 hr] Request reference letters for lecturer position.
  • [1 hr, Done 1.5 hr] Second interview with robot/machine learning company.
  • [0.5 hr, Done] Respond to Sherm and setup a day to do the coding test for the Opensim job.
  • [2.5 hr, Done 3 hr] Meet with Prof. Kong at UCD about post doc.
  • [9.7 hr] Interviewed with sports biomechanics startup.
  • [30 min] Turned down the opensim job.

Last week's issues

Perturbed Data Paper

  • [5 hr] Fix as many issues as possible in the alloted time. (20 days left till due date).
    • See below. Didn't make time.

Quiet Standing Identification Paper

  • [20 hr, Failed] Finish first draft by February 28.
    • I went for some spontaneuous itnerviews in the bay area instead of meeting this deadline. I did get some work done but managed to booger the direct collocation solutions by trying a "better" input perturbation. I think this threw off the scaling. I'm going to generalize the scaling so hopefully it works. I was trying to have a sum of sines with a human scale bandwidth with decreasing amplitude vs frequency for a realistic "random" input. Got some tips from my old PI on this.
    • I also updated some of the paper, but the results are still lackluster.

Job Search

  • [2 hr] Make a new CV version that focuses on teaching and service.

This week's objectives

Perturbed Data Paper

  • [5 hr] Fix as many issues as possible in the alloted time. (20 days left till due date).

Quiet Standing Identification Paper

  • [20 hr] Finish first draft by end of week.
    • Introduce optimal random input.
    • Generalize scaling.
    • Create plot to show the optimal step size in direct collocation.
    • Rerun the 10,000 identifications with the optimal step size.