- wo 14 januari 2015
- notebook
- Jason K. Moore
- #notebook, #aio
AIO for January 14, 2015
Last week's accomplishments
These were the accomplishements from the last few weeks.
- [0.5 hr, Done] Turn in keys on Friday and get signature.
- [0.5 hr, Done] Get signature from the cashier's office last on Friday.
- [0.5 hr, Done] Turn in paperwork to HR.
- [2 hr, Done 4 hr] Finish VSD bicycle tire paper review.
- [3 hr, Done 3.2 hr] Review the bicycle measurement biomechanics paper.
- [1 hr, Done...sorta] Check in with Ton about the contract and get it finalized.
- [20 hr, Done] Attended a Software Carpentry "Train the Trainers" workshop at UC Davis.
Perturbed Data Paper
- [1 hr, Done] Update the gait data on the NAS.
- [5 hr, Done] Work on any reported issues.
- All issues except the Matlab related ones are closed. We could release a new preprint version.
- [1 hr, Done] Submit to PeerJ for peer review by Friday.
- Paper was submitted on time for the free processing fee and has been under peer review for almost a month.
Quiet Standing Identification Paper
- [5.8 hr] Worked on speeding up the PyDy ODE evaluation.
Last week's issues
Busier than expected with move, but things have settled down now.
Research objectives for the next three months
Yeadon Software Paper
- Accept reviews, create new versions, resubmit, etc.
- Make a blog post once the paper is done (after reviews).
Perturbed Data Paper
- Accept reviews, create new versions, resubmit, etc.
- Make a blog post once the paper is accepted and published.
Gait Direct Identification Paper
- Setup a repository
- Draft an outline
- Write the paper
- Submit preprint
- Submit to a journal
Quiet Standing Paper
- Setup a repository
- Develop code for direct identification
- Develop code for indirect identification: single shooting
- Develop code for indirect identification: direct collocation
- Draft an outline
- Write the paper
- Submit preprint
- Submit to a journal
Gait Indirect Identification Paper
- Develop the code for indirect identification with direct collocation and get the method working.
This week's objectives
This will just be through Sunday night.
Perturbed Data Paper
- [1 hr] Create a web page on hmc.csuohio.edu for the paper.
Gait Direct Identification Paper
- [1 hr] Setup a repository
- [2 hr] Draft an outline
Quiet Standing Identification Paper
- [5 hr] Work on the ODE eval speed up for the shooting implementation.
- [10 hr] Write the code for running a single shooting method.