- di 09 december 2014
- notebook
- Jason K. Moore
- #notebook, #aio
AIO for December 9, 2014
Last week's accomplishments
Perturbed Data Paper
- [18 hr, Closer to done 14 hr] Finish all remaining issues and prepare the
draft for submission.
- Picked a working title
- Added in journal styles
- Create participant and trial tables + source code
- Add syntax highlighting lib
- Got all exploratory code working with GATK 0.1.2
- Found to bugs in GATK and made releases 0.1.1 and 0.1.2
Inverted Pendulum Paper
- [6 hr, Done 6.5 hr] Try out scaling methods and see if convergence improves.
- I ended up scaling the parameters to be closer to 0.5 and the optimizer now converges nicely, in only ~13 iterations even for long measurement times.
- [4.3 hr] Worked with Sabrina on the NAO and came to the conclusion that the methods needed to disable the collision protection were no longer available in the new version 2 of the API.
- [0.5 hr] Searched for more reviewers for the Yeadon paper.
Last week's issues
I spent a ton of time applying for a job, cover letter, resume updates, website updates, and five interviews. I took Friday off to deal with that.
Yeadon Paper
- Can't find reviewers for the Yeadon paper, see https://github.com/chrisdembia/python-yeadon-paper/issues/23. F1000Research requests that you provide names for potential reviewers and we've been through close to 20 with only 1 person agreeing to do the review.
Gait Control Identification
- [5 hr] Do some thinking and reasoning about the potential discontinuities in
the scheduled gain controller.
- I didn't spend any time on this.
This week's objectives
- [3 hr] Fill out termination forms and do whatever I need to do to end my position.
- [1 hr] Check in with Ton about contract and get that finished up.
- [1 hr] Clear out books in office to pack this weekend.
- [2 hr] Finish bicycle paper review for VSD.
Perturbed Data Paper
- [18 hr] Continue knocking off issues and submit for review.
Inverted Pendulum Paper
- [5 hr] Write code for the direct identification.
- [5 hr] Write code for the shooting indirect identification.
Gait Control Identification
- [5 hr] Do some thinking and reasoning about the potential discontinuities in the scheduled gain controller.