- di 25 november 2014
- notebook
- Jason K. Moore
- #notebook, #aio
AIO for November 25, 2014
Last week's accomplishments
- [4 hr, Done 6.2 hr] Complete the midpoint integration implementation and test it on my example problems. The parameter id problems converge better due to the lack of damping in the integration method. This commit marks the changes: https://github.com/csu-hmc/opty/commit/217df4a460270e40ee8b4b6df969b4b3e27a227f
Inverted Pendulum Paper
- [6 hr, Started 2.8 hr] Figure out why convergence is poor for the human parameter set. I read a bunch about scaling. Bett's has the best practical explanation suggestions I could find. This may be the issue.
Perturbed Walking Data Paper
- [0.5 hr, Done 1 hr] Fix the stride/step/gait cycle terminology.
- [3 hr, Done 3 hr] Create light box plots instead of the histograms.
- [3 hr, Started 2 hr] Read through and prepare the first draft. Identified all the remaining tasks to get ready for submission.
- [2 hr, Done 1.3 hr] Write up consulting proposal and budget. Sent to Ton for review and discussed it with him.
- [2.2 hr] Dealt with some media inquiries about the Congressional House Science committee's investigation into the NSF's spending.
- [1.4 hr] Some SymPy development: code review, discussion, etc.
- [1 hr] Sorted out my vacation hours and other HR stuff for my departure.
Last week's issues
I think I have a bit of senioritis which is causing low motivation and I took off part of two days, so I didn't get everything done I wanted to.
Inverted Pendulum Paper
- [3 hr] Setup the direct id approach for the Park model.
- [5 hr] Setup the shooting approach for the Park model.
Perturbed Walking Data Paper
- [0.5 hr] Make an appendix with the long tables and other crud.
- [3 hr] Finalize the data set and upload to Zenodo.
Steer Torque Paper
- [8 hr] Work on revision, fixing issues reported by Mont.
This week's objectives
There are 3 work days this week due to Thanksgiving.
Inverted Pendulum Paper
- [6 hr] Try out scaling methods and see if convergence improves.
Perturbed Data Paper
- [8 hr] Knock of tasks: https://github.com/csu-hmc/perturbed-data-paper/issues
Gait Control Identification
- [5 hr] Do some thinking and reasoning about the potential discontinuities in the scheduled gain controller.