- di 18 november 2014
- notebook
- Jason K. Moore
- #notebook, #aio
AIO for November 18, 2014
Last week's accomplishments
- [3 hr, Done 2 hr] Show Sabrina how to install and assign her an issue.
Peturbed Walking Data Paper
- [0.5 hr, Done 0.5 hr] Merge Sandy's PR.
- [2 hr, Done 1 hr] Go over server maintenance stuff with Sabrina.
- [2 hr] Dealt with time sheet issues and Kronos.
- [1.2 hr] Discussed Open Knee project with Ahmet.
- [1.8 hr] Learned about and how to use Docker.
Last week's issues
I didn't do very well at completing many of the objectives last week. May be my most unproductive week in a long while.
- [4 hr, Almost done 15.6 hr] Implement trapezoidal rule integration and test
on parameter id problems.
- I gave up on the trapezoidal rule and other second order integrators because they don't fit the current model in opty very well. Higher order integrators can be implemented but it would take a bit more refactoring than desired. So I started implementing the midpoint rule and I'm goofing around with a bug that maps the indices of the symbolic partial derivatives to the triplet format for the sparse Jacobian of the constraint vector.
- [3 hr, half way done 2.5 hr] Reveiw bicycle dynamics paper for VSD.
- I've read most of the paper and written up the detail comments. I need to check a few things they presented and then write up an overall few paragraphs with my conclusions.
All of the below objectives from last week were neglected.
- [3 hr] Make all generated Cython files go to a tmp directory.
Inverted Pendulum Paper
- [6 hr] Figure out why convergence is poor for the human parameter set.
- [3 hr] Setup the direct id approach for the Park model.
- [5 hr] Setup the shooting approach for the Park model.
Peturbed Walking Data Paper
- [0.5 hr] Fix the stride/step/gait cycle terminology.
- [3 hr] Create light boxplots instead of the histograms.
- [0.5 hr] Make an appendix with the long tables and other crud.
Steer Torque Paper
- [8 hr] Work on revision, fixing issues reported by Mont.
- [2 hr] Write up consulting proposal and budget.
This week's objectives
- [4 hr] Complete the midpoint integration implementation and test it on my example problems.
Inverted Pendulum Paper
- [6 hr] Figure out why convergence is poor for the human parameter set.
- [3 hr] Setup the direct id approach for the Park model.
- [5 hr] Setup the shooting approach for the Park model.
Peturbed Walking Data Paper
- [0.5 hr] Fix the stride/step/gait cycle terminology.
- [3 hr] Create light boxplots instead of the histograms.
- [0.5 hr] Make an appendix with the long tables and other crud.
- [3 hr] Finalize the data set and upload to Zenodo.
- [3 hr] Read through and prepare the first draft.
Steer Torque Paper
- [8 hr] Work on revision, fixing issues reported by Mont.
- [2 hr] Write up consulting proposal and budget.