Notebook Entry

AIO for September 9, 2014

Last week's accomplishments

Objectives from last week:

Other things I did:

Last week's issues

  • Finish table in the steer torque paper. Update the spreadsheet and insert into the latex doc. -- Did not get to this, but will be priority for this week.
  • Add in torque wrench section into the steer torque paper. -- Same as above.

This week's objectives

  • [1 hour] Make a blog post explaining how I setup the Plone offsite backups.
  • [0.5 hour] Make sure that the offsite backup can be restored.
  • [3 hours] Finish table in the steer torque paper. Update the spreadsheet and insert into the latex doc.
  • [2 hours] Add in torque wrench section into the steer torque paper.
  • [0.5 hour] Make a figshare dataset for the torque wrench experiments csv file.
  • [4 hours] Send Mont a first draft of the steer torque paper for review (by Saturday).
  • [0.5 hour] Try to upload the davis instrumented bicycle h5 file (with raw and processed data) to Figshare.
  • [1 hour] Write and introduction to the bicycle data paper.
  • [1 hour] Write a section about the raw data in the bicycle data paper.
  • [2 hours] Add README's and any other needed data to the davis instrumented bicycle raw data sets and make public.
  • [4 hours] Prepare materials for the IEEE open source night (by Friday).
  • [0.5 hour] Send out installation instructions for IEEE open source night (by Thursday).
  • [2 hours] Pick a talk topic for the seminar and draft an outline of the talk.
  • [1 hour] Write system description section in the inverted pendulum paper.
  • [5 hours] Implement a ufuncify for vectorized matrix evaluations for the inverted pendulum direct id code. The compile times currently are prohibitive for more than two links.
  • [1 hour] Write meta data description in perturbed walking data paper.
  • [2 hours] Draft a plan/outline for a new research statement for prof applications.