- di 26 augustus 2014
- notebook
- Jason K. Moore
- #notebook, #aio
AIO for August 26th, 2014
Last week's accomplishments
Objectives from last week:
- Finish NCSRR blog post (Monday): Done, http://www.moorepants.info/blog/ncsrr-wrap-up.html
- Submit GSoC student review (Monday): Done.
- Email GSoC mentors about submitting review (Monday): Done.
- Meet with David Pendleton and Taylor Barto about IEEE hack nights (Tuesday @ 5:30): Done, we are tentavely having the first IEEE/CSU open soure hack night on Friday, September 12.
- Review Sachin's documentation PR: Done, waiting on Sachin to update. https://github.com/sympy/sympy/pull/7860
- Review Jim's autowrap PRs: Done. They're merged: https://github.com/sympy/sympy/pull/7881, https://github.com/sympy/sympy/pull/7883
- Send Mont rough draft of Yeadon software paper (due Saturday Aug 23): Done, https://www.writelatex.com/read/fryxfqwkzrzb
- Write outline and introduction for perturbed walking data paper: Done, https://github.com/csu-hmc/perturbed-data-paper
Other things I did:
- Get Anne a computer and help set it up: Done.
- Deal with AWS payments: Done, setup Ton's credit card for the ~$5/month fee.
- Sat in on Ton's class.
- Discussed SWC workshop plans with Ahmet.
Last week's issues
- Setup offline backups for the HMC website: 90% done but having an issue setting file permissions for the backup files on the AWS server so that a specified user can rsync them to another server.
- Implement a tight matrix eval broadcasted loop to speed up the inverted pendulum direct collocation: Started, but haven't finished yet due to time.
- Run more example optimizations on the inverted pendulum (after speed up is implemented): Not started, ran out of time.
- Go through the next two chapters in Accelerated C++: Not started, ran out of time.
- It took a while to get back to East Coast time. I had dentist and doctor's appointments and have been dealing with allergies and computer neck problems.
This week's objectives
- Fix the permissions issues for offline backups for the HMC website.
- Finish implementing a tight matrix eval broadcasted loop to speed up the inverted pendulum direct collocation.
- Run more example optimizations on the inverted pendulum (after speed up is implemented). This will happen once the above is done.
- Meet with Brad to discuss implementing direct collocation in Opensim on Wednesday.
- Write outline for direct collocation system id paper.
- Write two sections for the perturbed walking paper.
- Figure out the basic topics and time allotments for the topics at the IEEE open source hack night.
- Email RUG, PUG, and NASA Python guys about the SWC workshop and cc Ahmet.
- Finish table in the steer torque paper.
- Add in torque wrench section into the steer torque paper.
- Write outline for a bicycle data paper.
- Go through the next two chapters in Accelerated C++.