- ma 24 maart 2014
- notebook
- Jason K. Moore
- #notebook, #time management
Top priorities
- HMC research project and resulting papers, conferences, etc
- Publishing my personal research (that which may or may not be related to what we do in the HMC lab).
- Submit funding proposals
- PyDy development, including GSoC mentoring/organizing
- Applying for long term jobs, mostly tenure track academic positions.
- Gyrobike senior design mentoring
- Lab meetings, seminars
Starting with 40 hrs a week:
- 20: hmc research project, this means planning and performing experiments, doing the analyses and/or study needed to do the analysys, reading papers, writing papers, etc
- 15: work on my research projects/papers, mostly trying to publish the work I did for my dissertation to increase my pub counts.
- 1: write and submit funding proposals (right now this amounts to the PyDy idea)
The remaining 14 hrs a week:
- 2.5 hrs: Lab meetings, seminars
- 1.5 hr: gyrobike meeting and help
- 6 hrs: everything else (pydy, job search)
If I look at the 37 weeks in my time tracker from July 8 2013 to March 22 2014, I can try to figure out what I've spent my time on. There are 259 days, divided by 7, is 37 weeks.
HMC project:
400.5 (analysese ,etc) + 55.3 (MASB) + 46.7 (gait2d model) + 20.4 (treadmill repair) + 23.7 (control experiments) + 3.9 (WCB2014) + 2.2 (DW2014) 552.7 hrs ~ 15 hr/week
My research:
138.8 (bmd2013) + 49.2 (yeadon) + 15.8 (structural id) + 1.2 (bicycle params) + 0.5 (bicycle stuff) 205.5 hrs ~ 6 hrs/week
Funding proposals:
26.3 (opensim summer thing) 1 hr/week
lab meetings + seminars:
47.5 (lab meetings) + 7 (seminar) 54.5 hrs ~ 1.5 hrs/week
34.6 ~ 1 hr week
software dev:
113 (pydy) + 8 (dtk) + 62.4 (sympy) 183.4 hrs ~ 5 hrs/week
77 hrs (pycon/masb/scipy tutorial) 2 hr/week
All this amounts to about 31.5 hours a week.
~1509 total work hours - 1097.0 (all the other stuff) = 412.4 hrs ~ 11 hrs/week

So I'm spending way too much time doing a ton of other random stuff that isn't contributing directly to my primary goals. So if I can redirect 18 hrs/week to the primary goals that would be ideal. Maybe 10 more is realistic if I'm disciplined.
1509 over 37 weeks is about 41 hr/wk (I didn't subtract vacation time or holidays here so this is an underestimate.) I had 23 officials days off and there are 185 weekdays during the period. So 1509 hours over 162 days of work is 9.3 hrs/day (~47 hrs/week).
So a new schedule idea:
Monday 8 - hmc research Tuesday 6 - hmc research 1.5 - gyrobike Wednesday 4 - hmc research 3 - my research 1 - lab meeting Thursday 2 - hmc research 1.5 - seminar 4 - my research Friday 8 - my research Saturday 1-5 - other and/or catch up Sunday 1-5 - other and/or catch up
Weekdays beyond 8 hours will be the other junk. This makes for a 41 to 49 hr work week, basically.
The hard part will not be doing all the random crap and saying no to everyone that walks into the door wanting something.