- wo 18 september 2013
- notebook
- Jason K. Moore
- #notebook, #hmc.csuohio.edu, #nginx, #bmd2013, #gsoc, #pydy
- [x] Work with Ms. Barclay to get the sub-domain (hmc.csuohio.edu)
- [x] Cut down several sections in the Whipple ID paper for BMD2013
- [x] Posted NSF grant announcement to social media
- [x] Reviewed Tarun's final pull requests
Ms. Barclay finally routed hmc.csuohio.edu to our IP address on AWS. A quick change to the nginx config made use live.
Most of Tarun's PRs are ready to be merged. We'll have a working package by the end of the week. The only thing major that is left is the tutorial(s) in the Sphinx docs.
NSF Grant
Ton, Dan, and Hanz found out they got a $1.5M NSF grant for prostheses design. Impressive! I hope we get another post doc in our lab.