- do 29 augustus 2013
- notebook
- Jason K. Moore
- #notebook, #plone
Today's task list:
- [x] Email HR about other post docs
- [x] Email HR about shower facilities
- [x] Setup a data backup for the website
- [] Duplicate website backups on a S3 bucket
- [x] Work on the website theme
- [x] Setup our new computers and monitors
- [] Order Matlab
- [] Work on parsing the walking data
- [] Make generic settings on the lab website
- [] Review the TODO items on the Yeadon paper
- [] Work on BMD papers
- [] Book hotel for BMD
- [] Post update about BMD copyright
- [] Finish reading the van der kooij paper
- [] Make course idea descriptions
- [] See if our controller can drive an OpenSim model
- [] Sit down with Ton to learn how to wrap the HBM
Plone 4.3 Backup
I ended up using the backup script that is included in the UnifiedInstaller to backup the Data.fs and the blob storage. It is a nice wrapper to the repozo script and does a little more. I also added this nice utility <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/collective.recipe.backup> to my production buildout file to add the script to cron:
############################################ # Runs the backup scripts only on the server [backupcronjob] recipe = z3c.recipe.usercrontab times = 1 3 1,16 * * command = ${buildout:directory}/bin/backup
The backupcronjob must also be added to the parts list in the [buildout] section. It worked like a charm.
The next step is to make some copies to an S3 bucket so we have a dual backup. This tool http://s3tools.org/s3cmd looks like a nice option to make that easy.
Info on basic Plone backups are here:
Plone Theming
We figured out how to use the new Plone theme editor and started learning how to apply Diazo rules. It seems to be simple but making sure you map everything that is needed will take some time. We wasted a lot of time trying rules with no result in the inspectors until we realized you had to press "Preview Theme" to see the result of the rules.
I also refactored the theme into a Plone product:
Still some work to do there to clean up all the links in index.html.