- ma 19 augustus 2013
- notebook
- Jason K. Moore
- #notebook, #social media, #system identification, #walking, #BMD
Today's task list:
- [x] Work on parsing the walking data
- [] Make generic settings on the lab website
- [] Work on the website theme
- [] Review the TODO items on the Yeadon paper
- [] Run variations in guesses for structural id
- [] Work on BMD papers
- [x] Register for BMD
- [] Book flight for BMD
- [] Book hotel for BMD
- [] Setup a data backup for the website
- [] Post update about BMD copyright
- [x] Send feature requests/bugs to Sanne
Walking System ID
Maths have been updated to reflect solving for the limit cycle controls:
The math for forming Ax=B:
and the gist:
I started work on the classes to implement the solver in dtk.
Social Media
We now have a lab youtube channel:
and a Google+ Page:
Our first video: