- ma 05 augustus 2013
- notebook
- Jason K. Moore
- #notebook, #mgview, #amazon web services, #plone, #matlab, #structural model identification
Today's task list:
- [x] Try to contact Amazon business sales again
- [x] Setup PO and account for AWS
- [x] Get a quote for Matlab
- [x] Continue discussion with Adam Leeper about MGView
- [x] Start on a html5/css3 bootstrap mockup of the website
- [x] Finish Chapter 8 (Theming) in the Plone book
- [~] Figure out the bug I'm getting at the end of page 153 on the plone book
- [x] Make sure I'm using the correct data for the structural id
- [] Figure out what to do about the incorrect budget category for the computers
- [] Work on parsing the walking data
- [] Review the todo items on the Yeadon paper
- [] Do D-Flow/Cortex tutorial (Due August 12)
Amazon Web Services
Woohoo! Looks like Amazon can invoice us and I finally turned in all the purchasing papers to make this happen. Maybe I'll have the website online by the end of the week.
I requested a quote for 5 academic group licenses with 4 toolboxes but the rep is on vacation so this may not come back till next week.
Adam Leeper released MGView under the MIT license today so Tarun and I are looking into potentially using it for pydy-viz and giving our efforts to contributions to the project. See his repo on github: https://github.com/mgview/mgview
I finished Chapter 8 but hit a bug which I'm trying to get an answer to on the Plone user's mailing list. Martin replied, so I'll probably get to the bottom of it.
I started a mockup using bootstrap and html5 boilerplate for the new site theme:

The code for the theme is here: https://github.com/moorepants/hmc.theme
Structural Model
Ron sent me the first set of data on August 20, 2013. I made sure that my renamed data file plant_02_run_01.mat is the same file, it is.
The first time (Jan 14, 2013) I sent solutions for the 4 gain model, plant #2 [Matlab 2010a]:
Plant #2, K estimated: no Best ARX [na=6, nb=1, nk=22] The order of the closed loop system is 8. The gain guesses: k1=14.500000, k2=0.375000, k3=1.000000, k4=20.000000 The identified gains: k1=41.743034+\-1.496923, k2=1.241126+\-0.005499, k3=1.466906+\-0.000640, k4=10.349137+\-0.149286
Here is the results I got from Matlab 2010a on June 18:
Plant #2, K estimated: no Best ARX [na=1, nb=3, nk=3] The order of the closed loop system is 8. The gain guesses: k1=14.500000, k2=0.375000, k3=1.000000, k4=20.000000 The identified gains: k1=34.679381+\-0.532964, k2=1.100302+\-0.002407, k3=1.255370+\-0.000265, k4=9.427437+\-0.071185
And now with Matlab 2013a:
Plant #2, Run #1, K estimated: no Best ARX [na=3, nb=1, nk=24] The order of the closed loop system is 8. The gain guesses: k1=14.500000, k2=0.375000, k3=1.000000, k4=20.000000 The identified gains: k1=41.742796+\-1.496914, k2=1.241115+\-0.005499, k3=1.466902+\-0.000640, k4=10.349165+\-0.149289
Looks like I got the same answer on Jan 14 2013 with Matlab 2010a and now with Matlab 2013a. I'm not sure what was different on the June 18 results. None of these match Ron's 12.84 number for the K4 gain. I'm not sure where that number is coming from.